Conscious Kombucha Co.

Posted on May 28 2020

Conscious Kombucha Co. by Olivia Figueiredo

We are a small batch family business operating from Mallorca, Spain producing quality kombucha that is not filtered, pasteurised and is 100% raw! Which means, your bottle may have some bits, but that’s ok, it’s all good for you!

In my heart I firmly feel our health, the planet and sustainability are intrinsically linked. I'd like to share with you the possibilities of zero waste kombucha brewing. Shopping local, buying bulk/plastic free and raising awareness for changes that need to start happening all over the world to protect our planet. I feel we have become disconnected with ourselves and imbalances within us are becoming prominent, both physically and mentally.

Fortunately over the years we have seen the awareness of kombucha and probiotics rising and we are beginning to recognise the power of the gut and its connection to our health. We have to reconnect and begin the path to heal our gut, not only for us, but for the generation that follows, and how we expose our children to bacterias is crucial, now more than ever. Here is a bit about what we do, with love.  

What is it?

Kombucha is a fermented sweet tea that originated in China hundreds of years ago. It follows on from the ancient methods of food preservation through fermentation. And within the fermentation process of the tea, many beneficial bacterias are formed reducing both sugar and caffeine levels. 

What are the great benefits? And what does it taste like?

There are so many benefits in drinking kombucha (I actually talk a lot about those in my eBook, Brewing Kombucha With A Conscious Mind), but the main benefits come from the good bacterias that are formed in the brewing process. 

Kombucha has the ability to contain natural probiotics and antioxidants. These probiotics are essentially the good bacteria we put into our bodies and it is extremely important to maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut. 

The whole body is fed through the gut, and if it doesn’t function properly we have deficiencies that can affect every organ in our body and even the mind. 

Kombucha tastes slightly sweet, slightly sour. But of course tastes can vary depending on how it is made. 

How much probiotics does it contain versus sauerkraut or a supplement?

Sauerkraut definitely has a lot to offer. But for my family and me, it comes down to personal taste. Kombucha has become a daily drink that we can all enjoy and a way that we all consume natural probiotics. However I also make my own sauerkraut that I love and highly recommend for a probiotic boost.

A supplement for me has minor advantages due to the destruction of nutrients during the capsulation process. And actually there are very few supplement brands that have the ability to keep the bacterias alive. 

Does it have loads of sugar?

One of the main ingredients in making kombucha is sugar as I show in my eBook but if you understand the chemical reactions that occur in making kombucha you will know that the end result should contain very little. To give you some comparisons, the end result of Conscious Kombucha Co. has 4 grams per 100mL, compared to a store bought 100% apple juice being 10 grams per 100mL and Coca-Cola having 39 grams per 100mL. 

What is it made of?

Kombucha is made from the careful combination of mixing a sweet tea concentrate (sugar and tea) and a SCOBY. Which is a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. This is the substance that most people mistake for a mushroom or fungus. The kombucha SCOBY is a product of the bacteria in the brew, which create strands of cellulose that weave together. 

How do I make it?

A lot of people think kombucha is difficult to make but it is actually quite easy. You just need to have a good routine. Firstly you brew your sweet tea concentrate, you then add that to your SCOBY and starter liquid and let it ferment for 2 weeks. 

You also have the option to do a second fermentation (carbonation phase) flavouring your booch with juice and other ingredients to make it fizzy and extra tasty. For an easy guide with pictures to brew kombucha at home check out my eBook. 

How do you do it at home?

Super simple to make at home, the first few times I’m sure you will have to follow the recipe step by step, but soon you’ll be changing it up to suit your taste and lifestyle needs. 

What are the best flavours of kombucha?

Our personal favourite and best seller is always the spicy ginger. Other great flavours can be found with local and seasonal produce, in Mallorca for example I am currently using the Nispero to make the most delicious kombucha. For kids, I have some other tips and tricks in my eBook with different flavour combinations for a colourful, fizzy and delicious drink that all the kids want to try!

Is the sugar necessary and what role does it have?

A sugar or type of sugar is necessary in brewing kombucha. Essentially this is what feeds the SCOBY and how the probiotics are formed. You can however substitute for agave etc. 

How long can you leave your SCOBY while you’re on holiday?

Funnily enough, I get this question all the time. In my eBook I have recommended 4-6 weeks depending on your conditions. My personal advice is to always feed your SCOBY before you leave giving it the best chance without drying out. 

How to make kombucha with store bought starter?

You can certainly start your kombucha journey with a store bought bottle, but only if it is live. I would generally go for an authentic small batch brewery. If you manage to find a good live kombucha you simply pour it into a jar, covered in a breathable cloth for 2 weeks. A SOCBY will form at the top and you can then follow a step-by-step recipe for your first batch.

Do I need to use tea bags? How can I make it with loose leaf tea?

Certainly not. And I love this question, particularly because this allows me to discuss my passion for sustainability and health and is actually the basis for my eBook. Most store bought tea bags contain plastic and are very bad for the environment and our bodies. For me personally, I would always recommend organic loose leaf tea in reusable cotton tea bags. 

Instagram: @consciouskombuchaco

Brewing Kombucha with a Conscious Mind (eBook)




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